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Party Wall Agreement Housing Association

Party Wall Agreement Housing Association

A party wall agreement is an essential document for anyone who owns a property that is connected to another property through a shared wall or boundary. In the case of housing associations, party wall agreements are particularly crucial as they help safeguard the interests of both the association and the residents.

What is a party wall agreement?

A party wall agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of property owners who share a common wall or boundary. This agreement is necessary when one property owner intends to carry out work that could affect the structural integrity of the shared wall or boundary. For instance, if a housing association plans to renovate a building that shares a common wall with a neighbouring property, they would need to enter into a party wall agreement with the neighbouring owner.

The party wall agreement will specify the type of work that is proposed, the time frame for the work, and the compensation that will be paid to the adjoining owner for any damages or disruption caused by the work. It will also outline the procedures for resolving any disputes that may arise during the construction process.

Why is a party wall agreement important for housing associations?

Housing associations are responsible for maintaining and managing the properties they own. This includes ensuring that any renovation or repair work is carried out safely and efficiently without causing any damage to neighbouring properties. Failure to enter into a party wall agreement could result in legal disputes, costly repairs, and damage to the reputation of the housing association.

By entering into a party wall agreement, housing associations can ensure that they are compliant with the law and protect the interests of their residents. The agreement will provide a clear framework for carrying out construction work, mitigate any potential risks, and establish a fair compensation procedure in the event of damage.

How to enter into a party wall agreement?

The process of entering into a party wall agreement can be complex and time-consuming. It is recommended that housing associations seek the advice of an experienced party wall surveyor to guide them through the process.

The first step in the process is to serve a notice of intent to the neighbouring property owner. This notice should outline the proposed work and provide a timeline for completion. The adjoining owner will have 14 days to respond to the notice and indicate whether they consent to the proposed work or wish to appoint a surveyor to represent their interests.

If the adjoining owner appoints a surveyor, the two surveyors will work together to agree on the terms of the party wall agreement. If they cannot reach an agreement, a third surveyor may be appointed to resolve any disputes.


In summary, a party wall agreement is essential for housing associations that own properties with shared walls or boundaries. The agreement provides a framework for carrying out construction work safely and efficiently, mitigates any potential risks, and establishes a fair compensation procedure in the event of damage. While the process of entering into a party wall agreement can be complex, seeking the advice of an experienced party wall surveyor can help ensure compliance with the law and protect the interests of residents.